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Reflecting Back

Writer's picture: Glenda HoldenGlenda Holden

As I reflect back upon 2020, I am amazed and can’t help but to praise the Lord for all He has done!

We began 2020 with an old sub shop building in almost complete disrepair and a calling- “My house shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 56:7 Before 2020, the Lord had also spoken a word to me personally: “This next year will be a year of will hurt...but it will be worth it” What a year 2020 has been!

While remodeling at the building was underway, the world was thrown into the chaos of Covid-19 and quarantine. The spiritual atmosphere was filled with fear, baggage, and what felt like a heavy veil over hearts and spiritual eyes. We met for prayer during this time at the House of Prayer sometimes in person and sometimes via phone meeting dial-in. During these times, we saw the Lord strip off the years of spiritual baggage that had attached itself to downtown Platteville and specifically the building itself. As the Lord began to teach us how to pray in this new environment, we were stretched, trained, and at times physically and spiritually exhausted. Yet, the Lord was doing a new thing in us and in downtown. His presence would come and expel the darkness and fear. The intercessors were being launched. The Lord was shifting and placing people in their calling. What an exciting time!

As the year progressed, the Lord gave us vision and direction for how He wanted His House of Prayer to be built specifically for Platteville, Wisconsin. It’s funny how us men/women have grandiose visions of what we think something is supposed to look like, yet when we yield, the Lord gently, lovingly, and patiently takes us by the hand and redirects us into His will. It is beautiful!

Over the summer, the Lord began to piece together a mission statement and a vision for the House of Prayer:

To usher in God’s Kingdom over Platteville through praising and worshiping Him in Spirit and in truth and to intercede through prayer for His purposes to be accomplished in Platteville and the surrounding areas.

In late July, PHOP (Platteville House of Prayer) was launched and we felt called for bi-weekly prayer meetings for our elections and nation. God placed upon our heart to pray and reach out to intercessors to begin filling His House of Prayer. He also placed upon our hearts to begin training up the next generation of prayer and worship warriors. The youth began a monthly time of worship and prayer. We felt a call to begin to reach out in evangelism to the downtown area, taking God’s presence and love with us into the streets of downtown Platteville. Oh, how downtown Platteville is on God’s heart!

And now here we are, on the eve of 2021. As I reflect upon the amazing goodness of God, I can’t help but to cry out, “Look what the Lord has done!” It all started with a mustard seed- a mustard seed of faith and a mustard seed of a little building in downtown Platteville. God has done amazing things in just one year! He has built His house, taken us by the hand, and called us into new territory, new adventures with Him, and new callings, vision, and focus. He is bringing a great awakening and a new revival.

God is pouring forth the call of the heart of David: that He would truly be our One Thing. Psalm 27:4 The One Thing I ask of the Lord- the thing I seek most- is to dwell/live in the house of the Lord all of the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in His temple.

We praise You, Lord, for Your faithfulness and great love! We praise You that You have a plan for our city, state, and nation. We praise You for the truth that when the night seems the darkest- Your light penetrates the darkest corner, exposing the lies and bringing Your truth. May Your kingdom continue to come, Lord. May Your will continue to be done. May You continue to build Your house. And may others hear the call- the One Thing call- the heart of David, Mary, and Anna the intercessor. As we sit at Your feet, gazing into the beauty of Your holiness and hearing Your heart for our city and nation, may we fall more and more in love with You. And may we hear Your call to bring your love, truth, and salvation to the nations.

Luke 10:41-42

“But the Lord replied to her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered and troubled about so many things, but only one thing is necessary. For Mary has chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

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